
Shíjì shang
在中文中翻译"in fact" · 事实上 · 实际上 · 说实话 · 实际 · 确实 · 事实. 显示更多 [.
in fact. 英 [ɪn fækt] 美 [ɪn fækt]. 其实; 事实上;实际上;确切地说. new. in fact的英文翻译是什么意思,词典释义与在线翻译:. 参考翻译. 事实上; 事实上,实际上. 英 ...
大量翻译例句关于"in fact" – 英中词典以及8百万条中文译文例句搜索。
主要翻译. 英语, 中文. in fact adv, (in reality, actually), SCSimplified Chinese 事实上shì shí shàng. TCTraditional Chinese 事實上. SCSimplified Chinese 实际上 ...
"in fact" 汉语翻译 · in fact · in fact {副} · issue in fact {名词} · appear right, but in fact wrong {动}.
You use in fact, in actual fact, or in point of fact to indicate that you are giving more detailed information about what you have just said.
We use in fact to add more detailed information to what has just been said: A: Did she pass her driving test? B: Yes, she did; in fact ...
例句 · Mr.Smith is my father's factor in England. 史密斯先生是我父亲在英国的代理人。 · Mrs White delegated her power of attorney to her nephew. 怀特夫人授权她的 ...
Translations · in fact, (actuallyactualreallyreal). eigentlich, Mod. überhaupt, Mod. wirklich, Mod · in fact, (actuallyreallyactualas a matter of factrealtrue).